Placencia is conveniently accessible by all modes of transportation. Arrangements can be made to arrive via vehicle rentals, private shuttles, buses and even airplanes and travel time can range anywhere between 5 hours to 35 minutes when departing from Belize City.

Bus Rides:

Belize City’s bus terminal is located on West Collet Canal Street and provides real time bus schedules upon request. Buses that travel according regular schedules make stops in Belmopan (1 hour away from Belize City via the George Price Highway) and in Dangriga (2 hours away from Belize City via the Hummingbird Highway). There are also express buses that travel directly to Placencia (5 hours away from Belize City via the Hummingbird Highway). Further details can be obtained by visiting the Belize City Bus Terminal or contacting the Transport Department of Belize at (501) 822-2028.

Private Shuttles:

Miramar is always here to cater to the needs of our customers, and would be willing and able to arrange for a private shuttle to pick you up directly from the Phillip Goldson International Airport. Private shuttles are ideal for families or groups of 4+ visitors who would prefer a private mode of transport to Placencia. Using this mode of transport would entail enjoying a scenic drive through the hills and forests of Belize, and average arrival time is at 4 hours from Belize City to Placencia via shuttle.

Car Rentals:

If you’re seeking personal transport to explore not only Placencia but the rest of Belize, there are numerous car rental agencies available at the airport and in the city. A number of these agencies are also listed in the yellow pages of any telephone directory, and Google Maps can assist you along your journey if you are unfamiliar with our roadways. On Average, it takes about 3.5 hours to drive from Belize City to Placencia.


The quickest way to arrive in Placencia is by airplane which takes 30-45 minutes on average. Flights are available from the international airport, or can be booked through either of Belize’s two local airlines: Maya Island Air and Tropic Air. Miramar Suites is a mere 10 minute drive away from the airstrip and taxis are always available upon arrival.

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